Thirteen is a teenager. The 2003 film, which was famously co-written by its then-13-year-old co-star, Nikki Reed, is a landmark film about troubled adolescence and marked Catherine Hardwicke as the all-too-rare breakout female director during an intensely macho period in Hollywood.
For this special screening, director Catherine Hardwicke joins in person for a special post-screening conversation with Richard Linklater about her Oscar-nominated film, 15 years on, and her experiences making her unique films in Hollywood, transitioning from production designer to director, to being at the forefront of #MeToo.
Thirteen is a teenager. The 2003 film, which was famously co-written by its then-13-year-old co-star, Nikki Reed, is a landmark film about troubled adolescence and marked Catherine Hardwicke as the all-too-rare breakout female director during an intensely macho period in Hollywood.
For this special screening, director Catherine Hardwicke joins in person for a special post-screening conversation with Richard Linklater about her Oscar-nominated film, 15 years on, and her experiences making her unique films in Hollywood, transitioning from production designer to director, to being at the forefront of #MeToo.
Thirteen is a teenager. The 2003 film, which was famously co-written by its then-13-year-old co-star, Nikki Reed, is a landmark film about troubled adolescence and marked Catherine Hardwicke as the all-too-rare breakout female director during an intensely macho period in Hollywood.
For this special screening, director Catherine Hardwicke joins in person for a special post-screening conversation with Richard Linklater about her Oscar-nominated film, 15 years on, and her experiences making her unique films in Hollywood, transitioning from production designer to director, to being at the forefront of #MeToo.