Sacred Earth Stories is an original performance choreographed by Anuradha Naimpally, artistic director of Austin Dance India. The show connects ancient Greek, Indian and Peruvian mythologies to current issues of sustainability and global climate change through Bharata Natyam, a traditional style of Indian dance, an original score played live by local musicians and spoken word commentary.
The show will be followed by a Q&A session with the cast, as well as representatives from Rainforest Partnership and Citizens' Climate Lobby.
Sacred Earth Stories is an original performance choreographed by Anuradha Naimpally, artistic director of Austin Dance India. The show connects ancient Greek, Indian and Peruvian mythologies to current issues of sustainability and global climate change through Bharata Natyam, a traditional style of Indian dance, an original score played live by local musicians and spoken word commentary.
The show will be followed by a Q&A session with the cast, as well as representatives from Rainforest Partnership and Citizens' Climate Lobby.
Sacred Earth Stories is an original performance choreographed by Anuradha Naimpally, artistic director of Austin Dance India. The show connects ancient Greek, Indian and Peruvian mythologies to current issues of sustainability and global climate change through Bharata Natyam, a traditional style of Indian dance, an original score played live by local musicians and spoken word commentary.
The show will be followed by a Q&A session with the cast, as well as representatives from Rainforest Partnership and Citizens' Climate Lobby.