The Jigglewatts' Violet Crown Follies is an ongoing burlesque residency featuring live music, comedy, drag, variety, and world-class burlesque performances in a lavish setting. Guests can choose from a range of ticket options offering bottles of bubbly, small bites, or even just the show, to customize the burlesque experience. The event also includes Jigglewatts Something Blue, Layna d’Luna, Alexander the Great, special guest Pearl Lux and more.
The Jigglewatts' Violet Crown Follies is an ongoing burlesque residency featuring live music, comedy, drag, variety, and world-class burlesque performances in a lavish setting. Guests can choose from a range of ticket options offering bottles of bubbly, small bites, or even just the show, to customize the burlesque experience. The event also includes Jigglewatts Something Blue, Layna d’Luna, Alexander the Great, special guest Pearl Lux and more.
The Jigglewatts' Violet Crown Follies is an ongoing burlesque residency featuring live music, comedy, drag, variety, and world-class burlesque performances in a lavish setting. Guests can choose from a range of ticket options offering bottles of bubbly, small bites, or even just the show, to customize the burlesque experience. The event also includes Jigglewatts Something Blue, Layna d’Luna, Alexander the Great, special guest Pearl Lux and more.