
cool down, smarten-up

Get the scoop: Learn about the designers vying for a shot to makeover downtownAustin at Ice Cream for Waller Creek

Heard the buzz about the Waller Creek redesign, but not sure what the latest updates or details are? We admit — these middle stages of the competition can be a little hard to understand for an outsider.

In an effort to shed light on the process, hear ideas from the public and well, just have fun, Team !melk&PageSoutherlandPage (TeamMelkPSP), semi-finalists in the Waller Creek Conservancy's Design Competition, are hosting an old-fashioned ice cream social on Sunday afternoon at The Mohawk. A fitting location considering the fact that this downtown destination for music-lovers and late-night revelers sits in the heart of the Waller Creek stretch that runs nearly parallel to Red River Street, extending south from UT to Ladybird Lake.

There are currently nine semifinalists remaining in the competition. As part of Phase II, the lead designer on each submission is responsible for assembling complete teams that are capable of bringing the project to life.

In the case of Austin architect Larry Speck of PageSoutherlandPage, he chose to partner with Jerry van Eyck of !melk, an NYC-based “landscape architecture and urban design practice dedicated to large-scale urban and landscape interventions as well as public spaces and gardens,” to act as the lead landscape architect on the project.

Apart from free scoops of Amy’s Ice Cream, Sunday’s event will feature a host of family-friendly, Waller Creek-themed activities such as an interactive photo booth, live music from the Mighty Minnows Brass Band and, of course, the opportunity to study up on the details with both Speck and Van Eyck as they discuss their hopes for the urban renewal project.

Although the names of the four semifinalists who will advance to Phase III will be announced in mid-April, the competition’s winning design will not be unveiled in October.

There is a long hot summer between now and then, so why not enjoy a little ice cream in the meantime?
