- Candidate Tina Cannon talks to cyclists at the 16th Annual Political Pedal onFriday, Apr. 13, 2012 at City Hall.Photo by Charlie L Harper III
- Candidates speak to cyclists at the 16th Annual Political Pedal on Friday, Apr.13, 2012 at City Hall.Photo by Charlie L Harper III
- Cyclists gather at City Hall to speak to candidates during the 16th AnnualPolitical Pedal.Photo by Charlie L Harper III
- Cyclist and city employee Meredith Watters takes a snapshot of council membersBill Spelman and Sheryl Cole with cyclists in front of City Hall at the 16thAnnual Political Pedal in Austin.Photo by Charlie L Harper III
- Nicole Zinn and John Dawson of Rocket Electrics speak with Robin Stallings ofBike Texas at Uncle Billy's after the Political Pedal ride on Friday.Photo by Charlie L Harper III
Average Austin Cyclist
Cyclists to city leaders: We need more city leaders on bikes; we need morebikers at the polls
Apr 17, 2012 | 4:00 pm