Love is in the air
The Intergalactic Nemesis invited to spend Valentine's Day with Conan O'Brien
The wily and adventerous crew of Austin's own The Intergalactic Nemesis is ready to head to new heights of awesome this month with a Valentine's Day television premeire on Conan.
Nemesis Producer and Director Jason Neulander excitedly announced to the show's fans on Facebook Friday evening that the team would head to O'Brien's studio for a taping of a segment of the show that will include O'Brien himself, along with comedy partner Andy Richter.
This exciting news comes hot off the national press the Nemesis team received after an extended national tour across the country and a killer story from NPR correspondent Margot Adler — who caught the show at New York — on NPR's All Things Considered. Neulander, foley artist Buzz Moran and voice actor Chris Gibson were all in attendance to explain and hype the live action graphic novel, which reimagines the nostalgia of previous forms of storytelling.
For those Austinites who have seen the staged version of the comic book/radio show, you already know the humor and the creativity that makes this prouduction so special. From Tim Doyle's classic comic book artwork to Graham Reynold's dramatic scoring to Moran's live sound effects work, the show is a multimedia spectacle like nothing else.
Now you throw in a living comedy icon like O'Brien into a segment of the show, and it truly warrants Neulander's comment last night: "State of disbelief? Yes."
Audiences across the country have now experienced Book One: Target Earth, which is only the first installment of the story of journalist Molly Sloan, her assistant Timmy Mendez and librarian Ben Wilcott as they encounter the mysterious Zygonians. On June 8, the Nemesis team premieres Book Two: Robot Planet Rising at the Long Center for the Performing Arts. You better believe it's only going to get more epic and more spectacular.
If you can't wait that long for your next Intergalactic Nemesis fix, you can pick up the graphic novels and the cast recording CDs from their website. And be sure to see the cast performing with Conan on his show on the 14th, and fall in love with the show all over again.