
Franklin Barbecue Fast Pass

Austin kid's genius service lets you skip the line at Franklin Barbecue

Franklin Barbecue
If you use the BBQ Fast Pass, you'll never have to wait in this line again. Photo courtesy of Franklin Barbecue

Franklin Barbecue is arguably one of the hottest spots in Texas, if not the universe. But the infamous hours-long wait can be a deterrent, even with the promise of life-changing brisket.

Enter BBQ Fast Pass, a new service from an enterprising middle school student that takes the wait out of Franklin.

"For a fee, I get in line while you're still asleep, wait in line until I get to the front of the counter and switch off with you," explains the BBQ Fast Pass website. "No waiting for you!"

Desmond, the smarty pants behind BBQ Fast Pass, launched the company's website on Tuesday. The middle schooler, whose clients include "locals, out of town visitors and companies" cooked up the business so that he can save money to buy a car.

In addition to funding Desmond's future ride, the money goes to a good cause. "I also donate 5 percent of what I earn to Austin Dog Rescue," says the website. "That's where I got my dog!"

To book this "premium line sitting service," all you have to do is email Desmond with the requested date, time and other specifics of your barbecue desires. According to his Twitter account, @BBQFastPass, the service costs a cool $50.
