Food for thought
Grab a guilt-free burrito: Chipotle donating proceeds to Austin-based UrbanRoots
Getting hungry? If you're already daydreaming about what lunch has in store today, we've got one word for you: Chipotle. While we typically try to steer clear of mid-week lunchtime burritos, today it's all for a good cause.
On Wednesday only, local Chipotles will donate their proceeds to Urban Roots, an Austin-based youth program that uses sustainable agriculture to increase access to healthy food in Austin and teach local youth about the importance of farming and locally sourced produce.
Specifically, today's proceeds — up to $25,000 — will go toward Urban Roots' new Farm-Mobile Outreach program. The new mobile initiative will allow Urban Roots to interact more readily with the wider Austin community, taking its program to classrooms and community groups, providing fresh produce at a reduced cost in low-income neighborhoods.
Chipotle is holding the fundraiser as part of its larger mission to cultivate a better world by supporting sustainable agriculture, family farming and culinary education.
If you can't make it for lunch, don't worry. The fundraiser lasts all day, so perhaps tacos or a burrito bowl are on tonight's menu.