Austin Film Society presents a screening of Pickpocket, hosted by Richard Linklater with an audience discussion following the film.
Though the story may follow the trajectory of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment (an obsession of the director), this brilliant film about a man who inexplicably descends into petty crime exhibits the art of the steal as only Bresson could: With beauty, precision, and even eroticism.
Austin Film Society presents a screening of Pickpocket, hosted by Richard Linklater with an audience discussion following the film.
Though the story may follow the trajectory of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment (an obsession of the director), this brilliant film about a man who inexplicably descends into petty crime exhibits the art of the steal as only Bresson could: With beauty, precision, and even eroticism.
Austin Film Society presents a screening of Pickpocket, hosted by Richard Linklater with an audience discussion following the film.
Though the story may follow the trajectory of Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment (an obsession of the director), this brilliant film about a man who inexplicably descends into petty crime exhibits the art of the steal as only Bresson could: With beauty, precision, and even eroticism.