"Summer of Disney" is an exhibition featuring original and limited edition artwork by over a dozen official Disney fine artists. Heather Edwards, best known for her realist portrait paintings of beloved Disney characters, will be in the gallery painting live, dedicating artwork, and meeting fans during both opening night receptions. The exhibit will also include work by Rob Kaz, Tennessee Loveless, Tim Rogerson, as well as collectible pieces from the gallery's massive vintage film memorabilia collection.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 28.
"Summer of Disney" is an exhibition featuring original and limited edition artwork by over a dozen official Disney fine artists. Heather Edwards, best known for her realist portrait paintings of beloved Disney characters, will be in the gallery painting live, dedicating artwork, and meeting fans during both opening night receptions. The exhibit will also include work by Rob Kaz, Tennessee Loveless, Tim Rogerson, as well as collectible pieces from the gallery's massive vintage film memorabilia collection.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 28.
"Summer of Disney" is an exhibition featuring original and limited edition artwork by over a dozen official Disney fine artists. Heather Edwards, best known for her realist portrait paintings of beloved Disney characters, will be in the gallery painting live, dedicating artwork, and meeting fans during both opening night receptions. The exhibit will also include work by Rob Kaz, Tennessee Loveless, Tim Rogerson, as well as collectible pieces from the gallery's massive vintage film memorabilia collection.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 28.