The Adventures of Prince Achmed, a 1926 German animated fairytale film by Lotte Reiniger, plays backdrop to the pioneering and innovative sounds of invoke. These rampagers of the alt-classical chamber music scene will perform an original live score that elicits the quirky avant-garde action in the film.
The Adventures of Prince Achmed, a 1926 German animated fairytale film by Lotte Reiniger, plays backdrop to the pioneering and innovative sounds of invoke. These rampagers of the alt-classical chamber music scene will perform an original live score that elicits the quirky avant-garde action in the film.
The Adventures of Prince Achmed, a 1926 German animated fairytale film by Lotte Reiniger, plays backdrop to the pioneering and innovative sounds of invoke. These rampagers of the alt-classical chamber music scene will perform an original live score that elicits the quirky avant-garde action in the film.
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.