Austin Film Festival & Violet Crown Cinema will have a special 20th anniversary screening of Robert Altman's Cookie’s Fortune with writer Anne Rapp in attendance for a post-screening Q&A. Starring an ensemble cast including Glenn Close, Julianne Moore, and Liv Tyler, Cookie’s Fortune is a crime comedy that follows a family of strong, eccentric women in small-town Mississippi in the wake of a family death.
Austin Film Festival & Violet Crown Cinema will have a special 20th anniversary screening of Robert Altman's Cookie’s Fortune with writer Anne Rapp in attendance for a post-screening Q&A. Starring an ensemble cast including Glenn Close, Julianne Moore, and Liv Tyler, Cookie’s Fortune is a crime comedy that follows a family of strong, eccentric women in small-town Mississippi in the wake of a family death.
Austin Film Festival & Violet Crown Cinema will have a special 20th anniversary screening of Robert Altman's Cookie’s Fortune with writer Anne Rapp in attendance for a post-screening Q&A. Starring an ensemble cast including Glenn Close, Julianne Moore, and Liv Tyler, Cookie’s Fortune is a crime comedy that follows a family of strong, eccentric women in small-town Mississippi in the wake of a family death.