The very first film animated by Studio Ghibli follows the adventures of a pair of orphans who discover a mystical floating city. The film is presented in partnership with the local bookstore Kinokuniya, who will have a pop-up store at the venue.
The very first film animated by Studio Ghibli follows the adventures of a pair of orphans who discover a mystical floating city. The film is presented in partnership with the local bookstore Kinokuniya, who will have a pop-up store at the venue.
The very first film animated by Studio Ghibli follows the adventures of a pair of orphans who discover a mystical floating city. The film is presented in partnership with the local bookstore Kinokuniya, who will have a pop-up store at the venue.
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.