Among the unforgettable characters of Martin Bell’s 1984 documentary Streetwise was a fiery, sharp and introspective 14-year-old runaway called Tiny. Martin Bell and his partner in life and art, the renowned photographer and photojournalist Mary Ellen Mark, dedicated 30 years of their lives to following and photographing Tiny, resulting in a beautiful and devastating work about American womanhood; a landmark in long term filmmaking.
Among the unforgettable characters of Martin Bell’s 1984 documentary Streetwise was a fiery, sharp and introspective 14-year-old runaway called Tiny. Martin Bell and his partner in life and art, the renowned photographer and photojournalist Mary Ellen Mark, dedicated 30 years of their lives to following and photographing Tiny, resulting in a beautiful and devastating work about American womanhood; a landmark in long term filmmaking.
Among the unforgettable characters of Martin Bell’s 1984 documentary Streetwise was a fiery, sharp and introspective 14-year-old runaway called Tiny. Martin Bell and his partner in life and art, the renowned photographer and photojournalist Mary Ellen Mark, dedicated 30 years of their lives to following and photographing Tiny, resulting in a beautiful and devastating work about American womanhood; a landmark in long term filmmaking.