Black Widow Burlesque is back for their first post-pandemic show, Catharsis. The night, hosted by Nikki DaVaughn, will feature performances by Chola Magnolia, Dandy Velour, Hans Ferdinand, Lola LeStrange, Miss O Kissed, Sasha Dahl, Scarlett Fury, Shelbi Aiona, and Zoja Exotica.
Black Widow Burlesque is back for their first post-pandemic show, Catharsis. The night, hosted by Nikki DaVaughn, will feature performances by Chola Magnolia, Dandy Velour, Hans Ferdinand, Lola LeStrange, Miss O Kissed, Sasha Dahl, Scarlett Fury, Shelbi Aiona, and Zoja Exotica.
Black Widow Burlesque is back for their first post-pandemic show, Catharsis. The night, hosted by Nikki DaVaughn, will feature performances by Chola Magnolia, Dandy Velour, Hans Ferdinand, Lola LeStrange, Miss O Kissed, Sasha Dahl, Scarlett Fury, Shelbi Aiona, and Zoja Exotica.
Come and Take It Live
2015 E. Riverside Dr.
Austin, TX 78702
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.