Experience the opulence of Ancient India in a rare public screening of the 1985 adaptation of Indian epic, Mahabharata. Directed by Peter Brook, the original stage play was nine hours long, then reduced to a six-hour TV miniseries, which later became this cinematic version of 171 minutes.
Experience the opulence of Ancient India in a rare public screening of the 1985 adaptation of Indian epic, Mahabharata. Directed by Peter Brook, the original stage play was nine hours long, then reduced to a six-hour TV miniseries, which later became this cinematic version of 171 minutes.
Experience the opulence of Ancient India in a rare public screening of the 1985 adaptation of Indian epic, Mahabharata. Directed by Peter Brook, the original stage play was nine hours long, then reduced to a six-hour TV miniseries, which later became this cinematic version of 171 minutes.
Blanton Museum of Art
200 E. MLK Jr. Blvd.
Austin, TX 78701
Admission is free
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