Half Empty Half Full is a literary comedy show with a twist, a game show of wits between optimistic and pessimistic comedians and writers. Austin's sharpest stand-up comics, fiction writers, essayists, and poets share their talents and battle out their positive and negative points of view.
The show's host, comedian and poet Valerie Nies, is joined by a panel of clever judges to choose who wins: the comedians and writers who see life half full or half empty.
The lineup includes stand-up comedians Symply Courtney and Joe Green, along with writers Marissa Anne Ayala and Phillip Mandel. Judges include Jen Brown, Patrick Gallagher, and Half Empty Half Full staple Tyler Randle.
Half Empty Half Full is a literary comedy show with a twist, a game show of wits between optimistic and pessimistic comedians and writers. Austin's sharpest stand-up comics, fiction writers, essayists, and poets share their talents and battle out their positive and negative points of view.
The show's host, comedian and poet Valerie Nies, is joined by a panel of clever judges to choose who wins: the comedians and writers who see life half full or half empty.
The lineup includes stand-up comedians Symply Courtney and Joe Green, along with writers Marissa Anne Ayala and Phillip Mandel. Judges include Jen Brown, Patrick Gallagher, and Half Empty Half Full staple Tyler Randle.