Conspirare will present the premiere of the video for "All of Us,” featuring the voices of 477 singers from around the world singing Craig Hella Johnson’s “All of Us.”
With voices as the foundation, filmmakers Elliott Forrest and Pascal Akesson created a video that speaks to this moment – with images of current events and performance footage from scores of productions of Considering Matthew Shepard. Johnson will welcome attendees and the video premiere will be following by an interactive discussion with Craig Hella Johnson, Elliott Forrest, and choir directors and singers who participated in the project.
Conspirare will present the premiere of the video for "All of Us,” featuring the voices of 477 singers from around the world singing Craig Hella Johnson’s “All of Us.”
With voices as the foundation, filmmakers Elliott Forrest and Pascal Akesson created a video that speaks to this moment – with images of current events and performance footage from scores of productions of Considering Matthew Shepard. Johnson will welcome attendees and the video premiere will be following by an interactive discussion with Craig Hella Johnson, Elliott Forrest, and choir directors and singers who participated in the project.
Conspirare will present the premiere of the video for "All of Us,” featuring the voices of 477 singers from around the world singing Craig Hella Johnson’s “All of Us.”
With voices as the foundation, filmmakers Elliott Forrest and Pascal Akesson created a video that speaks to this moment – with images of current events and performance footage from scores of productions of Considering Matthew Shepard. Johnson will welcome attendees and the video premiere will be following by an interactive discussion with Craig Hella Johnson, Elliott Forrest, and choir directors and singers who participated in the project.