In this genre-defying horror-musical mash-up, a pair of carnivorous mermaid sisters is drawn ashore in an alternate eighties Poland to explore the wonders and temptations of life on land. A coming-of-age fairy tale with a catchy new wave soundtrack, lavishly grimy sets, and outrageous musical numbers, The Lure explores its themes of sexuality, exploitation, and adulthood with energy and originality.
Filmgoers are encouraged to pack a picnic to enjoy with friends, BYOB, and explore the park at sunset before the films being. Complimentary water and adult beverages from sponsors Richard's Rainwater and SpikedSeltzer will be available. Cold Ones Pops will also be available for purchase.
In this genre-defying horror-musical mash-up, a pair of carnivorous mermaid sisters is drawn ashore in an alternate eighties Poland to explore the wonders and temptations of life on land. A coming-of-age fairy tale with a catchy new wave soundtrack, lavishly grimy sets, and outrageous musical numbers, The Lure explores its themes of sexuality, exploitation, and adulthood with energy and originality.
Filmgoers are encouraged to pack a picnic to enjoy with friends, BYOB, and explore the park at sunset before the films being. Complimentary water and adult beverages from sponsors Richard's Rainwater and SpikedSeltzer will be available. Cold Ones Pops will also be available for purchase.
In this genre-defying horror-musical mash-up, a pair of carnivorous mermaid sisters is drawn ashore in an alternate eighties Poland to explore the wonders and temptations of life on land. A coming-of-age fairy tale with a catchy new wave soundtrack, lavishly grimy sets, and outrageous musical numbers, The Lure explores its themes of sexuality, exploitation, and adulthood with energy and originality.
Filmgoers are encouraged to pack a picnic to enjoy with friends, BYOB, and explore the park at sunset before the films being. Complimentary water and adult beverages from sponsors Richard's Rainwater and SpikedSeltzer will be available. Cold Ones Pops will also be available for purchase.