Based on the Irish legend of the Selkies, Song of the Sea tells the story of the last Seal-child, Saoirse, and her brother Ben, who go on an epic journey to save the world of magic and discover the secrets of their past. Pursued by mythical creatures, they race against time to awaken Saoirse's powers and keep the spirit world from disappearing forever. Enthralling for all ages, this animated film is a wonder of storytelling and a hand-drawn masterpiece.
Filmgoers are encouraged to pack a picnic to enjoy with friends, BYOB, and explore the park at sunset before the films being. Complimentary water and adult beverages from sponsors Richard's Rainwater and SpikedSeltzer will be available. Cold Ones Pops will also be available for purchase.
Based on the Irish legend of the Selkies, Song of the Sea tells the story of the last Seal-child, Saoirse, and her brother Ben, who go on an epic journey to save the world of magic and discover the secrets of their past. Pursued by mythical creatures, they race against time to awaken Saoirse's powers and keep the spirit world from disappearing forever. Enthralling for all ages, this animated film is a wonder of storytelling and a hand-drawn masterpiece.
Filmgoers are encouraged to pack a picnic to enjoy with friends, BYOB, and explore the park at sunset before the films being. Complimentary water and adult beverages from sponsors Richard's Rainwater and SpikedSeltzer will be available. Cold Ones Pops will also be available for purchase.
Based on the Irish legend of the Selkies, Song of the Sea tells the story of the last Seal-child, Saoirse, and her brother Ben, who go on an epic journey to save the world of magic and discover the secrets of their past. Pursued by mythical creatures, they race against time to awaken Saoirse's powers and keep the spirit world from disappearing forever. Enthralling for all ages, this animated film is a wonder of storytelling and a hand-drawn masterpiece.
Filmgoers are encouraged to pack a picnic to enjoy with friends, BYOB, and explore the park at sunset before the films being. Complimentary water and adult beverages from sponsors Richard's Rainwater and SpikedSeltzer will be available. Cold Ones Pops will also be available for purchase.