In keeping with its mission of bringing Off-Broadway and lesser known shows to Austin, Doctuh Mistuh Productions, in association with Austin Playhouse, presents the regional premiere of Nevermore, The Imaginary Life and Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe. Through a chilling score and evocative imagery, Nevermore fuses fact and fiction to explore the tragic life of one of America’s most fascinating and iconic writers, Edgar Allan Poe.
In keeping with its mission of bringing Off-Broadway and lesser known shows to Austin, Doctuh Mistuh Productions, in association with Austin Playhouse, presents the regional premiere of Nevermore, The Imaginary Life and Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe. Through a chilling score and evocative imagery, Nevermore fuses fact and fiction to explore the tragic life of one of America’s most fascinating and iconic writers, Edgar Allan Poe.
In keeping with its mission of bringing Off-Broadway and lesser known shows to Austin, Doctuh Mistuh Productions, in association with Austin Playhouse, presents the regional premiere of Nevermore, The Imaginary Life and Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe. Through a chilling score and evocative imagery, Nevermore fuses fact and fiction to explore the tragic life of one of America’s most fascinating and iconic writers, Edgar Allan Poe.