Join 93.3 KGSR during the annual live broadcast showcasing some of the hottest acts at SXSW. For a $5 donation to Make-A-Wish Central & South Texas, you'll enjoy four hours of exclusive, live interviews and performances from featured SXSW artists. View the full lineup below.
Bob Schneider, Jamestown Revival, BORNS, Family of the Year, Elle King, Milky Chance, Laleh
Bleachers, Big Data, Charlie Mars, Leon Bridges, Robert DeLong, Ryley Walker, Madisen Ward And The Mamma Bear
The Ting Tings, Kopecky, Walker Lukens, Bright Light Social Hour, Max Frost, Zella Day
Heartless Bastards, Steve Earle, Houndmouth, The Wind & the Wave, My Jerusalem, Kaleo