Our House: A Festival of Arts, Diversity & Community highlights the rarely performed “Dian Jing” “eye-dotting” awakening ceremony for the 20-foot Chinese dragon. Attendees will have the opportunity to be part of team maneuvering the dragon. In collaboration with the Cry Havoc Action Choreography team, Lucky Chaos Digital Team can film you and your friends in an action scene complete with costumes and stunt weapons.
Sefe Dekote, a local non-profit researching and continuing traditional African martial arts, will be performing and sharing insights. Adults can observe and learn about the 20-foot dragon up-close, and children can try out the smaller 5-foot dragon puppet. Play in an impromptu "orchestra" or check out Self-Care corner. This will also be the debut of the new graphic novel 8Tribes inspired by Austin and its residents, written and produced by Leng Wong. The cast and creative team of 8Tribes will be on hand to chat and sign purchased books.
Our House: A Festival of Arts, Diversity & Community highlights the rarely performed “Dian Jing” “eye-dotting” awakening ceremony for the 20-foot Chinese dragon. Attendees will have the opportunity to be part of team maneuvering the dragon. In collaboration with the Cry Havoc Action Choreography team, Lucky Chaos Digital Team can film you and your friends in an action scene complete with costumes and stunt weapons.
Sefe Dekote, a local non-profit researching and continuing traditional African martial arts, will be performing and sharing insights. Adults can observe and learn about the 20-foot dragon up-close, and children can try out the smaller 5-foot dragon puppet. Play in an impromptu "orchestra" or check out Self-Care corner. This will also be the debut of the new graphic novel 8Tribes inspired by Austin and its residents, written and produced by Leng Wong. The cast and creative team of 8Tribes will be on hand to chat and sign purchased books.
Our House: A Festival of Arts, Diversity & Community highlights the rarely performed “Dian Jing” “eye-dotting” awakening ceremony for the 20-foot Chinese dragon. Attendees will have the opportunity to be part of team maneuvering the dragon. In collaboration with the Cry Havoc Action Choreography team, Lucky Chaos Digital Team can film you and your friends in an action scene complete with costumes and stunt weapons.
Sefe Dekote, a local non-profit researching and continuing traditional African martial arts, will be performing and sharing insights. Adults can observe and learn about the 20-foot dragon up-close, and children can try out the smaller 5-foot dragon puppet. Play in an impromptu "orchestra" or check out Self-Care corner. This will also be the debut of the new graphic novel 8Tribes inspired by Austin and its residents, written and produced by Leng Wong. The cast and creative team of 8Tribes will be on hand to chat and sign purchased books.