"Sunlight, Water and Texas Magic" bring together three intense artists. Dwight Casey seeks to capture nature’s magic palette. Michael Smith explores the mystical poetry written by sunlight on water. Bob Coffee will honor using his bronze art of the beloved Texas animals, wildlife with a little mischief thrown in.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 3.
"Sunlight, Water and Texas Magic" bring together three intense artists. Dwight Casey seeks to capture nature’s magic palette. Michael Smith explores the mystical poetry written by sunlight on water. Bob Coffee will honor using his bronze art of the beloved Texas animals, wildlife with a little mischief thrown in.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 3.
"Sunlight, Water and Texas Magic" bring together three intense artists. Dwight Casey seeks to capture nature’s magic palette. Michael Smith explores the mystical poetry written by sunlight on water. Bob Coffee will honor using his bronze art of the beloved Texas animals, wildlife with a little mischief thrown in.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 3.