The Centex Chapter of the Progressive Democrats of America and local chapters of Indivisible will host the People’s Rally for Truth. The rally is part of the nationwide March for Truth, a grassroots, volunteer-led series of nonviolent demonstrations being planned in 100+ cities in five countries on June 3. The rally will feature local elected officials, community leaders, and performers.
The Centex Chapter of the Progressive Democrats of America and local chapters of Indivisible will host the People’s Rally for Truth. The rally is part of the nationwide March for Truth, a grassroots, volunteer-led series of nonviolent demonstrations being planned in 100+ cities in five countries on June 3. The rally will feature local elected officials, community leaders, and performers.
The Centex Chapter of the Progressive Democrats of America and local chapters of Indivisible will host the People’s Rally for Truth. The rally is part of the nationwide March for Truth, a grassroots, volunteer-led series of nonviolent demonstrations being planned in 100+ cities in five countries on June 3. The rally will feature local elected officials, community leaders, and performers.