Tiburon Transmedia will present a screening of the celebrated Texan Italian independent comedy Tiramisu For Two, which tells the story of Giorgio (Bobby Olson), a peculiar Italian man, who travels from Rome, Italy to San Marcos, Texas on a quest of a woman he had once met, lost, and found once again via Internet. The film uses a blend of styles, from comedy to mystery, to tell a multilayered story that moviegoers have described as “a thrilling and fun roller coaster ride that leads you to a brilliant ending.” Attendees are encouraged to arrive early to guarantee seating and enjoy a custom made pre-show of Italian music videos.
Tiburon Transmedia will present a screening of the celebrated Texan Italian independent comedy Tiramisu For Two, which tells the story of Giorgio (Bobby Olson), a peculiar Italian man, who travels from Rome, Italy to San Marcos, Texas on a quest of a woman he had once met, lost, and found once again via Internet. The film uses a blend of styles, from comedy to mystery, to tell a multilayered story that moviegoers have described as “a thrilling and fun roller coaster ride that leads you to a brilliant ending.” Attendees are encouraged to arrive early to guarantee seating and enjoy a custom made pre-show of Italian music videos.
Tiburon Transmedia will present a screening of the celebrated Texan Italian independent comedy Tiramisu For Two, which tells the story of Giorgio (Bobby Olson), a peculiar Italian man, who travels from Rome, Italy to San Marcos, Texas on a quest of a woman he had once met, lost, and found once again via Internet. The film uses a blend of styles, from comedy to mystery, to tell a multilayered story that moviegoers have described as “a thrilling and fun roller coaster ride that leads you to a brilliant ending.” Attendees are encouraged to arrive early to guarantee seating and enjoy a custom made pre-show of Italian music videos.