"Miscellanea" is a group show of still life works by MaryBeth Karaus, Scott Kiche, and James Andrew Smith. Karaus is an award-winning painter from Cincinnati, Ohio, respected for her lush and painterly depictions of the everyday tabletop and the objects that happen upon it. Kiche is a representational realist painter from Los Angeles, California, known for the brilliant light within his compositions. Smith is a Tulsa-based contemporary realist painter who creates stunning hyper-realistic works of careful and precise arrangements. Bringing these three artists together for one show is an exploration in technique and variety within the genre.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 27.
"Miscellanea" is a group show of still life works by MaryBeth Karaus, Scott Kiche, and James Andrew Smith. Karaus is an award-winning painter from Cincinnati, Ohio, respected for her lush and painterly depictions of the everyday tabletop and the objects that happen upon it. Kiche is a representational realist painter from Los Angeles, California, known for the brilliant light within his compositions. Smith is a Tulsa-based contemporary realist painter who creates stunning hyper-realistic works of careful and precise arrangements. Bringing these three artists together for one show is an exploration in technique and variety within the genre.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 27.
"Miscellanea" is a group show of still life works by MaryBeth Karaus, Scott Kiche, and James Andrew Smith. Karaus is an award-winning painter from Cincinnati, Ohio, respected for her lush and painterly depictions of the everyday tabletop and the objects that happen upon it. Kiche is a representational realist painter from Los Angeles, California, known for the brilliant light within his compositions. Smith is a Tulsa-based contemporary realist painter who creates stunning hyper-realistic works of careful and precise arrangements. Bringing these three artists together for one show is an exploration in technique and variety within the genre.
Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 27.