#WomxnCrush Music, a non-profit arts organization dedicated to creating opportunities for rising womxn songwriters, will bring its nationwide virtual tour to the Austin region with its “WomxnCrush Music On Tour: Spotlight On Austin” showcase. The concert will feature local female artists Gina Chavez, Linn Jennings and Hanna Barakat, with all donations supporting House Wine in Austin.
#WomxnCrush Music, a non-profit arts organization dedicated to creating opportunities for rising womxn songwriters, will bring its nationwide virtual tour to the Austin region with its “WomxnCrush Music On Tour: Spotlight On Austin” showcase. The concert will feature local female artists Gina Chavez, Linn Jennings and Hanna Barakat, with all donations supporting House Wine in Austin.
#WomxnCrush Music, a non-profit arts organization dedicated to creating opportunities for rising womxn songwriters, will bring its nationwide virtual tour to the Austin region with its “WomxnCrush Music On Tour: Spotlight On Austin” showcase. The concert will feature local female artists Gina Chavez, Linn Jennings and Hanna Barakat, with all donations supporting House Wine in Austin.