Startling Stats
Texas is one of the scariest places to be a woman in America (but at least it'snot Mississippi!)
As most Americans equipped with a uterus have recently come to learn, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to be a female in the U.S. of A.
With legislation (written and passed by mostly-male lawmakers) restricting reproductive rights, consistent cuts to Planned Parenthood and the threat of non-renewal for the Violence Against Women Act on the federal level, women might hope for closer-to-home protection.
But such is not the case there, either, especially for Texas: Jezebel broke down rape statistics and abortion legislation by state, and named our state one of "The Ten Scariest Places to Have Ladyparts in America."
The Lone Star State lays claim to "some of the scariest, most restrictive abortion laws in the land."
The Lone Star State lays claim to "some of the scariest, most restrictive abortion laws in the land." Governor Rick Perry and state officials have created a hostile environment for Planned Parenthood. The Texas Council on Family Violence has recorded startling statistics on cases of violence against women.
Jezebel zeroes in on Kingsville, Tex., to illustrate the injustices of state laws. There, women are three times more likely to get raped; the distance and hassle required to visit an abortion clinic costs valuable time and money; and pre-procedure laws infringe upon personal rights, to say the least.
The article also warns that women should steer clear of Memphis, Tenn., Pocatello, Idaho, "The Breakfast Counties," Ga., Oklahoma City, West Memphis, Ark., Cleveland, Ohio, "Any hospital in Kansas" and the Pine Ridge Reservation, S.D.
And, according to Jezebel, "Mississippi is far and away the scariest place to be a woman."