Texas' Next Governor?
Queer Eye's Carson Kressley sets his sights on Rick Perry now that the dancing'sdone
If you watched the latest episode of ABC's Dancing with the Stars, you already know that Carson Kressley and his partner Anna Trebunskaya were eliminated after their dance to "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.
Now the sassy TV personality and gay rights activist may have the Texas governorship in his sights.
"Sometimes the hardest thing to do is having the courage to just say, 'Yeah, I'm gonna do it.' And maybe you're not the greatest at it, but you've done something that you never imagined that you could do, because it inspires you to try other new things," a mauve-suited and perfectly coifed Kressley said during his exit interview. "This week: Dancing with the Stars. Next week: Governor of Texas."
Rick Perry's penchant for making a stooge of himself in the national spotlight may make some think that Texans will elect just about anyone to the state's highest office. Especially if that someone has an interesting story or a decent 'do. But that's not exactly the case — no amount of clever bumper stickers could get songwriter/novelist/cowboy caricature Kinky Friedman a decent percentage of the vote in the 2006 gubernatorial race.
And there's a little more bad news for Kressley: The Pennsylvanian-turned-New Yorker would have to move to the Lone Star State at least five years prior to the election to be eligible to run.
What could the Queer Eye fashionista do to keep busy in Texas in the meantime? Do you think Texas is ready for an openly gay governor in the mansion?