B Scene
Psychedelic Austin party channels the wonderful world of Warhol
What: B Scene: Inevitable Warhol Happening
Where: Blanton Museum of Art
The lowdown: Psychedelic 1960s vibes overtook the Blanton's latest B Scene in honor of "Warhol By the Book", the first museum exhibition in the U.S. to examine Andy Warhol’s career-long work in books. The colorful party emulated the artist's "Exploding Plastic Inevitable" showswith live music from Christian Bland and the Revelators and a visual experience by Mustachio Light Show. Guests also enjoyed a fun photo booth and tasty Voodoo Doughnuts.
Who:Travis Reiter, Rachael Sperling, Mark Sislen, Nicole Tucker, Sylvia Morales, Rachel Lupercio, Catie Hall, Kira Bordelon, Vivian Pateo, Maureen Stevens, Kathlyn Smith, Delena Spencer, Catherine Marzulli, Dr. Shulman Kahn, Brittney Chubb, and Josh Davenport.