- Bamako Airlines
- "La Juerga" Flamenco Dancer
- Gustavo Simplis and Monica Caivano dance the tango.
- The Tango class watches a demonstration.
- Tango dancers from Esquina Tango
- Esquina Tango located on 209 Pedernales Street in Austin.
The little house-turned-community-center on the East side of town was starting to get packed. People of numerous nationalities stood around, chatting in various languages and drinking their BYOB. A hush began to fall as the members of Bamako Airlines took the stage. Soon, the place was filled with the band's unique AfroPop sound and dancers filled the floor.
I was at Esquina Tango on a Friday night with friends, and it was a rocking good time. If you haven't heard of the Latin American cultural society, you might want to. Esquina Tango is a non-profit organization founded by Gustavo Simplis and Monica Caivano, two Argentine transplants. The society aims to build a vibrant and diverse community in East Austin and beyond through performing arts and health.
With an emphasis on Argentine and other Latin American traditions, Esquina Tango is striving to foster personal wellness while promoting an appreciation for Latino cultures.
It's housed in a cute little house that was the Church of the Friendly Ghost once upon a time. Inside its cozy and charming rooms, Esquina Tango offers Austinites Spanish and Portuguese language classes, dance including Flamenco, Tango, Samba, Milonga, Salsa and Brazilian Street Dance, and several fitness classes such as yoga and salsa aerobics.
There are also a lot of fun community events, like the evening of music and dancing with Bamako Airlines. World movies, art, photography, workshops and live music are always on the calendar. "We absolutely love playing at Esquina Tango," say the members of Bamako Airlines. "Aside from the cool vibe of the place, Monica and Gustavo are awesome hosts."
Language classes are offered at several levels; the beginning Spanish class is led by Irma Conti, a warm and funny lady who uses games and songs to help learn the language. The classes I went to usually consisted of two to five students in a very casual setting. Conti also leads a Women's Exercise and Health class.
Simplis teaches the advanced Spanish course. He grew up in Buenos Aires and is passionate about the language and culture. He is also one of Esquina's main tango instructors. Tango has always been part of his life; especially the music. As an adult, he stumbled upon the dance and fell in love with its rhythms and intensities. His dance style expresses passionate feelings and connection and a sense of humor with his partner, the audience and the music.
The society also offers youth dance classes for children ages 4-10 years old. Different sessions include a variety of social dancing such as Cumbia, Mexican Folk, Salsa, Polka, Brazilian rhythms and Argentine Tango & Folk. This is a multicultural program where students will discover the joy of movement & creativity while learning about the cultures from where the dances originate.
If you would like to have an easy way to preview and sample the dance classes at Esquina Tango, there is no better time than the Fourth Annual Free Day of Dance on January 21st. All classes are completely complimentary, and no partner is required. Esquina Tango will be starting at 10:30 a.m. with Salsa Aerobics, continuing throughout the day and ending with a 7:15 p.m. beginning Salsa class. You can check their full schedule here.
Membership at Esquina Tango runs from $15 to $50 and gives benefits such as class discounts, priority access to workshops and events, ability to attend members' meetings and other benefits. You don't have to be a member, however, to take any classes or attend events. Financial assistance is available, and the organization offers a volunteer or work/trade program for people who would like to be involved in a more affordable way.
Esquina Tango, 209 Pedernales Street, 512-524-2772,www.esquinatangoaustin.com,