Austin art elements
E.A.S.T kicks off with Art Night Austin, a spectacular series of studio previewparties
This weekend marks the beginning of the yearly East Austin Studio Tour (E.A.S.T)—a free, self guided tour and open invitation into over 300 artists' studios and exhibition spaces on the East Side. Last night, hundreds of art loving guests purchased tickets to preview a sampling of studios under the banner of Art Night Austin.
Domy hosted a pre-party where attendees indulged in empanadas, quesadillas and ceviche from Takoba while taking in the "Monster Show IV" installation that currently covers the walls of the indie bookstore.
From there, guests boarded buses (one appropriated deemed the "Funky Bus" owing to its vibrant paint job and interior light installation) and hit five different studios (Okay Mountain, Studio of Denice Prince, Peacock Salon, Fisterra Studio, Delta Mills) featuring some of the most creative work being exhibited over the next two weekends.
Each space was paired with a taste of the East Side's culinary stars (Verts, Cipollina, Sugar Shack, EastCiders, Eastside Showroom, Buenos Aires Cafe, NXNW) who offered complimentary bites and beverages to round out the cultural treck.
If last night's series of mini studio parties are any indication of what's to come over the next nine days, you'll want to develop your plan of attack immediately. Each studio felt uniquely branded with its own vibe and personal interpretation of art, be it woodwork, jewelry, sculpture or painting.
Be sure to read our articles on which places to visit if on foot or bike, as well as a categorization of studios based on genre.