tasty tunes
Train pulls into Rachael Ray's annual SXSW party at Stubb's
- Rachael Ray, one of Austin's music scene's biggest supporters, played hostextraordinaire at her annual SXSW party at Stubb's on Saturday.The event has become one of the festival's most popular parties complete withfree food, beverages and a great musical lineup. The master chef and talk showhost consistently blends together the perfect mix of ingredients for an eclecticrecipe for SXSW fun. This year, the acts that played the two outdoor stages included Bob Schneider,The Cringe, GIVERS, Blitzen Trapper, Jimmy Cliff, Theophilus London, andheadliners, Train.The big highlight of the day was Ray coming on stage to sing "Don't StopBelieving" with Train. Frontman Pat Monahan called SXSW the best music festivalin the world. The band, one of Ray's favorites, has a new record, California 37,coming out April 17. The host sings "Don't Stop Believing" with Train.Photo by Meredith Rainey
- Rachael RayPhoto by Meredith Rainey
- Dressed for St. Patrick's Day.Photo by Meredith Rainey
- Blitzen TrapperPhoto by Meredith Rainey
- Blitzen TrapperPhoto by Meredith Rainey
- Theophilus LondonPhoto by Meredith Rainey
- Theophilus' bass player jamming.Photo by Meredith Rainey
- TrainPhoto by Meredith Rainey
- TrainPhoto by Meredith Rainey
- The crowd enjoying Theophilus LondonPhoto by Meredith Rainey
Rachael Ray, one of Austin's music scene's biggest supporters, played host extraordinaire at her annual SXSW party at Stubb's on Saturday.
The event has become one of the festival's most popular parties complete with free food, beverages and a great musical lineup. The master chef and talk show host consistently blends together the perfect mix of ingredients for an eclectic recipe for SXSW fun.
This year, the acts that played the two outdoor stages included Bob Schneider, The Cringe, GIVERS, Blitzen Trapper, Jimmy Cliff, Theophilus London, and headliners, Train.
The big highlight of the day was Ray coming on stage to sing "Don't Stop Believing" with Train. Frontman Pat Monahan called SXSW the best music festival in the world. The band, one of Ray's favorites, has a new record, California 37, coming out April 17.