Cool Sounds
Bouncing off the Walls: Inside the Capitol Concert Series amplifies sound theold fashioned way
One cannot tour the Texas State Capitol without spending a hot minute in the center of the rotunda yelling “HELLO!” or listening to a friend whisper to you from across the room. The dome’s natural sound amplification, frankly, never gets old.
It seems foolish to reserve this sound bouncing phenomenon for rowdy 3rd graders on a field trips, so it was pleasant to hear of the Inside the Capitol Concert Series, a unique music event hosted by Austin based singer-songwriter, Ben Ballinger.
Wednesday night, some of Austin’s favorite musicians, including Dana Falconberry, Paul Banks (The Carousels), Caitlin Kraus and Ben Ballinger (The Dalles), will come together in celebration of resonance and reverberation for an acoustic performance amplified solely by the walls of the majestic marble dome.
This marks the seventh Inside the Capitol Concert Series event, the last being held during SXSW in March. Details of future concerts have not yet been released, but from the looks of it, tonight won’t be the last.
The show starts at 8 p.m., but it’s best to arrive a bit early so you’ll have time to get through security — this is a government building after all. It is advised to leave your booze, drugs and weapons at home.
The event is completely free, so there’s no excuse not to spend your Wednesday evening listening to some of Austin’s folksiest folk while surrounded by statues of great, Texas heroes of the past.
Inside the Capitol Concert Series happens Wednesday, July 18 at 8 p.m.