It's About That Time
Start your engines: SXSW 2013 badges already on sale
- Photo by Fayza A. Elmostehi
SXSW registration has begun. Let the 40,000 + creative business professionals from around the globe begin their scramble for the best hotels and showcase opportunities for next March’s annual music, film and interactive festival.
One of the largest festivals in the world is growing larger every year and accommodations scarcer as time passes. Buying badges prior to the September 21st price increase is advised as there is a significant jump in price after the presale deadline has passed.
The good news: the prices remain relatively close to previous years and, if bought early, will not put too huge a dent in the expenditure account. Prices for each level of badge are listed below:
-Platinum (access to all three: music, film, and interactive conferences and festivals; $1150 through September 21st)
-Gold (film and interactive conferences and festivals; $895 through September 21st)
-Music (music conference and festival; $625 through September 21st)
-Film (film conference and festival; $450 through September 21st)
-Interactive (interactive conference and festival; $695 through September 21st)
Keep in mind, these starting prices for Platinum, Gold and Interactive badges will increase by $100 every two months until the festival begins, and roughly $50 every two months for Music and Film badges.
The sooner participants register for South By Southwest 2013, the sooner they can also vote on which panels they want to see through SXSW’s Panel Picker. Introduced in 2007, Panel Picker allows SXSW registrants to vote on which user-submitted panel ideas they want to see at the next South by Southwest.
SXSW’s annual growth has been nothing short of astounding, and there is no doubt in our minds that this year’s festival is sure to be as unbelievable as each of the previous years. Just make sure to get your badge now (or finagle one from your work, if you can) so you don't miss out on the action.
SXSW badge purchases can be made at the "Attend" tab on their site.