Big Mi-steak
Famed Austin steakhouse embroiled in controversy following salty tweet

Austin’s Vince Young Steakhouse is embroiled in a bit of controversy thanks to a particularly salty tweet. The restaurant enflamed passions after it posted a now-deleted tweet bemoaning the city’s stay-and-home order that included a video clip of Lance Armstrong flaunting his middle finger.
The tweet, posted May 26 on the official Twitter account of Vince Young Steakhouse, said: “When @MayorAdler tries to override @GregAbbott_TX and extend stay at home orders and preventing us from being able to provide for our staff and families.”
It wasn’t the wording of the tweet that really fired up social media users, though. They were incensed by the accompanying video clip that showed Armstrong directing his middle finger at the camera in the new ESPN documentary “Lance.” In the clip, the disgraced cyclist couples his gesture with the repeated dropping of the F-bomb.
In some cases, riled-up users of Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms railed against Vince Young Steakhouse and vowed to never patronize the downtown restaurant. One Twitter user slammed the tweet as “childish,” while one Facebook user deemed it “vulgar” and another criticized it as “so random, disingenuous, and tone deaf.”
Despite Vince Young Steakhouse since issuing an apology, the steakhouse does have its defenders.
“The tweet was spot on. You shouldn’t be forced to closed. I support y’all and anyone else willing to stand up to this insanity,” one Twitter user wrote.
Another supportive Twitter user remarked that the “offensive language was a nice addition.”
In a May 26 tweet, the owner of Vince Young Steakhouse apologized for the controversial missive.
“We have deleted this morning’s tweet regarding the stay at home order as the video we used contained offensive language that is not representative of the Vince Young Steakhouse brand,” the message says. “We apologize to Mayor Adler and our guests for any offense caused by an option that was posted out of frustration over circumstances in which we all find ourselves.”
“Moving forward, this account will be solely restaurant content, specials, and support for the City of Austin and the Great State of Texas,” the tweet adds.
Phillip Brown is the steakhouse’s owner and executive chef. While the restaurant bears the name of Vince Young, the former star quarterback at the University of Texas, he doesn’t hold a stake in the steakhouse.
CultureMap has reached out to Brown for comment.