The Junior League of Austin is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
Your tax-deductible donations help the League do its valuable work in the community. Please consider a cash or in-kind donation to the League.
If you are looking to lend a helping hand, please click on the Coats for Kids Shift Sign-up; volunteers are welcome as the League provides warm winter coats to more than 32,000 children on Distribution Day. These fundraising efforts, teamed with trained volunteers, ensure maximum impact of your gift.
The Junior League of Austin has signature community programs, including FIT (Food in Tummies), KICS (Kids in Cool Shoes), and Coats for Kids, plus two annual fundraisers, A Christmas Affair and Austin Entertains. Head here for information about these programs as well as the Junior League of Austin's other community programs.
Each member pays annual dues. For more information about dues, contact the membership treasurer at