Disco Deewane: A Bollywood Musical follows the story of Raja and Maya as they embark on an exciting journey through some of the greatest moments in American musical cinematic history-Bollywood style. The show is a high energy, live performance that invites audiences to become part of an interactive entertainment experience that celebrates American musical cinema, contemporary Bollywood films and Broadway in a live action, theatrical performance. With a cast of 200 performing artists, it is one of the largest casts ever assembled for a theatrical performance.
Disco Deewane: A Bollywood Musical follows the story of Raja and Maya as they embark on an exciting journey through some of the greatest moments in American musical cinematic history-Bollywood style. The show is a high energy, live performance that invites audiences to become part of an interactive entertainment experience that celebrates American musical cinema, contemporary Bollywood films and Broadway in a live action, theatrical performance. With a cast of 200 performing artists, it is one of the largest casts ever assembled for a theatrical performance.
Disco Deewane: A Bollywood Musical follows the story of Raja and Maya as they embark on an exciting journey through some of the greatest moments in American musical cinematic history-Bollywood style. The show is a high energy, live performance that invites audiences to become part of an interactive entertainment experience that celebrates American musical cinema, contemporary Bollywood films and Broadway in a live action, theatrical performance. With a cast of 200 performing artists, it is one of the largest casts ever assembled for a theatrical performance.