Set on the last day of high school in 1976, Dazed and Confused follows a set of teen cliques that populate a small Austin suburb. A celebration of a '70s rock culture lost in time, the film's music, style and slang have been massively influential on generations of teenagers.
The event, presented by Independence Brewery and Kendra Scott, as well as Longbranch Bourbon, the collaboration between Matthew McConaughey and Wild Turkey, benefits the Austin Film Society and Austin Parks Foundation. Founded by Linklater in 1985, the Austin Film Society's mission is to empower Austinites to make, watch, and love film and creative media. Austin Parks Foundation partners with the community to enhance people's lives by making Austin's public parks, trails and green spaces better through volunteerism, innovative programming, advocacy and financial support.
The screening begins at sundown, but the pre-party starts earlier with live music. Guests should arrive early for the best seats (and bring their own chairs). Food vendors and a cash bar will be present on site, including Independence Brewing Co.'s Stash beer, and keg cocktails featuring Longbranch Bourbon and Skyy Vodka. Texas-based lifestyle brand Kendra Scott Designs will be at the event with a special pop-up shop.
Set on the last day of high school in 1976, Dazed and Confused follows a set of teen cliques that populate a small Austin suburb. A celebration of a '70s rock culture lost in time, the film's music, style and slang have been massively influential on generations of teenagers.
The event, presented by Independence Brewery and Kendra Scott, as well as Longbranch Bourbon, the collaboration between Matthew McConaughey and Wild Turkey, benefits the Austin Film Society and Austin Parks Foundation. Founded by Linklater in 1985, the Austin Film Society's mission is to empower Austinites to make, watch, and love film and creative media. Austin Parks Foundation partners with the community to enhance people's lives by making Austin's public parks, trails and green spaces better through volunteerism, innovative programming, advocacy and financial support.
The screening begins at sundown, but the pre-party starts earlier with live music. Guests should arrive early for the best seats (and bring their own chairs). Food vendors and a cash bar will be present on site, including Independence Brewing Co.'s Stash beer, and keg cocktails featuring Longbranch Bourbon and Skyy Vodka. Texas-based lifestyle brand Kendra Scott Designs will be at the event with a special pop-up shop.
Set on the last day of high school in 1976, Dazed and Confused follows a set of teen cliques that populate a small Austin suburb. A celebration of a '70s rock culture lost in time, the film's music, style and slang have been massively influential on generations of teenagers.
The event, presented by Independence Brewery and Kendra Scott, as well as Longbranch Bourbon, the collaboration between Matthew McConaughey and Wild Turkey, benefits the Austin Film Society and Austin Parks Foundation. Founded by Linklater in 1985, the Austin Film Society's mission is to empower Austinites to make, watch, and love film and creative media. Austin Parks Foundation partners with the community to enhance people's lives by making Austin's public parks, trails and green spaces better through volunteerism, innovative programming, advocacy and financial support.
The screening begins at sundown, but the pre-party starts earlier with live music. Guests should arrive early for the best seats (and bring their own chairs). Food vendors and a cash bar will be present on site, including Independence Brewing Co.'s Stash beer, and keg cocktails featuring Longbranch Bourbon and Skyy Vodka. Texas-based lifestyle brand Kendra Scott Designs will be at the event with a special pop-up shop.