The Alchemy Theatre presents a new presentation of Truman Capote's beloved short story, A Christmas Memory, featuring Luke Hill as the narrator. Originally published in 1956, this poignant, heart-felt, modern day classic gently captures Mr. Capote’s richly detailed memories of his Depression-era, rural Alabama boyhood with his best friend – an eccentric, 60-something distant cousin with whom he baked fruitcakes each Christmas.
The Alchemy Theatre presents a new presentation of Truman Capote's beloved short story, A Christmas Memory, featuring Luke Hill as the narrator. Originally published in 1956, this poignant, heart-felt, modern day classic gently captures Mr. Capote’s richly detailed memories of his Depression-era, rural Alabama boyhood with his best friend – an eccentric, 60-something distant cousin with whom he baked fruitcakes each Christmas.
The Alchemy Theatre presents a new presentation of Truman Capote's beloved short story, A Christmas Memory, featuring Luke Hill as the narrator. Originally published in 1956, this poignant, heart-felt, modern day classic gently captures Mr. Capote’s richly detailed memories of his Depression-era, rural Alabama boyhood with his best friend – an eccentric, 60-something distant cousin with whom he baked fruitcakes each Christmas.