Assembly will present their first-ever comedy show, hosted by Avital Ash, writer, actor, director, and stand-up from Miami Beach living in Los Angeles. The show will feature performances from Lauren Vally, Ray Lau, Sophia Zolan, and a surprise guest.
Assembly will present their first-ever comedy show, hosted by Avital Ash, writer, actor, director, and stand-up from Miami Beach living in Los Angeles. The show will feature performances from Lauren Vally, Ray Lau, Sophia Zolan, and a surprise guest.
Assembly will present their first-ever comedy show, hosted by Avital Ash, writer, actor, director, and stand-up from Miami Beach living in Los Angeles. The show will feature performances from Lauren Vally, Ray Lau, Sophia Zolan, and a surprise guest.
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.