Andrei Tarkovsky’s newly restored 1979 masterpiece Stalker embarks on a metaphysical journey through an enigmatic post-apocalyptic landscape. A hired guide - the “Stalker” of the title - leads a writer and a scientist into the heart of the Zone, the restricted site of a long-ago disaster, where the three men eventually zero in on the Room, a place rumored to fulfill one’s most deeply held desires.
Andrei Tarkovsky’s newly restored 1979 masterpiece Stalker embarks on a metaphysical journey through an enigmatic post-apocalyptic landscape. A hired guide - the “Stalker” of the title - leads a writer and a scientist into the heart of the Zone, the restricted site of a long-ago disaster, where the three men eventually zero in on the Room, a place rumored to fulfill one’s most deeply held desires.
Andrei Tarkovsky’s newly restored 1979 masterpiece Stalker embarks on a metaphysical journey through an enigmatic post-apocalyptic landscape. A hired guide - the “Stalker” of the title - leads a writer and a scientist into the heart of the Zone, the restricted site of a long-ago disaster, where the three men eventually zero in on the Room, a place rumored to fulfill one’s most deeply held desires.