Stephen and Timothy Quay, a pair of identical twin brothers from Norristown, Pennsylvania, have brought something special to their oeuvre of stop motion animation films. Starting with the raw materials of such pioneers as Ladislas Starevich, they contribute their own outsider sensibility. This package of short films includes Christopher Nolan’s documentary tribute to their work, Quay (2015).
Stephen and Timothy Quay, a pair of identical twin brothers from Norristown, Pennsylvania, have brought something special to their oeuvre of stop motion animation films. Starting with the raw materials of such pioneers as Ladislas Starevich, they contribute their own outsider sensibility. This package of short films includes Christopher Nolan’s documentary tribute to their work, Quay (2015).
Stephen and Timothy Quay, a pair of identical twin brothers from Norristown, Pennsylvania, have brought something special to their oeuvre of stop motion animation films. Starting with the raw materials of such pioneers as Ladislas Starevich, they contribute their own outsider sensibility. This package of short films includes Christopher Nolan’s documentary tribute to their work, Quay (2015).