In director Bob Byington’s sharp and insightful dark comedy, a young, attractive and bored Midwestern high school teacher makes the unfortunate mistake of sleeping with one of her students, a ludicrous decision with disastrous consequences. The film features Nick Offerman, Martin Starr, David Krumholtz, and writer/star Kaley Wheless.
Byington will be in attendance with a Q&A moderated by Kevin Corrigan.
In director Bob Byington’s sharp and insightful dark comedy, a young, attractive and bored Midwestern high school teacher makes the unfortunate mistake of sleeping with one of her students, a ludicrous decision with disastrous consequences. The film features Nick Offerman, Martin Starr, David Krumholtz, and writer/star Kaley Wheless.
Byington will be in attendance with a Q&A moderated by Kevin Corrigan.
In director Bob Byington’s sharp and insightful dark comedy, a young, attractive and bored Midwestern high school teacher makes the unfortunate mistake of sleeping with one of her students, a ludicrous decision with disastrous consequences. The film features Nick Offerman, Martin Starr, David Krumholtz, and writer/star Kaley Wheless.
Byington will be in attendance with a Q&A moderated by Kevin Corrigan.