This anarchic romp follows a pair of teenage prankster-jackasses as they careen through the most utterly monstrous, mind-roasting summer of their young lives. The script had all the makings of a calculated cash grab, greenlit at MGM to capitalize on the wave of raunchy comedies that followed in the wake of Animal House. In Robert Altman’s hands, however, the material becomes a free-wheeling satire of Reagan’s America, as the titular duo defies the bougie hypocrites calling the shots in their corner of suburbia.
This anarchic romp follows a pair of teenage prankster-jackasses as they careen through the most utterly monstrous, mind-roasting summer of their young lives. The script had all the makings of a calculated cash grab, greenlit at MGM to capitalize on the wave of raunchy comedies that followed in the wake of Animal House. In Robert Altman’s hands, however, the material becomes a free-wheeling satire of Reagan’s America, as the titular duo defies the bougie hypocrites calling the shots in their corner of suburbia.
This anarchic romp follows a pair of teenage prankster-jackasses as they careen through the most utterly monstrous, mind-roasting summer of their young lives. The script had all the makings of a calculated cash grab, greenlit at MGM to capitalize on the wave of raunchy comedies that followed in the wake of Animal House. In Robert Altman’s hands, however, the material becomes a free-wheeling satire of Reagan’s America, as the titular duo defies the bougie hypocrites calling the shots in their corner of suburbia.