Austin Film Society will begin a new art-cult screening series, "Deep End," programmed and hosted by Jazmyne Moreno. The inaugural "Deep End" title is On the Silver Globe, the jaw-droppingly strange and beautiful — and banned — sci-fi epic by Andrzej Żuławski.
Each "Deep End" screening features a live music or DJ preshow. For this installment, DJ Adult Themes will spin an all-vinyl sci-fi-inspired set of '70s-'80s kosmische electronic music.
Austin Film Society will begin a new art-cult screening series, "Deep End," programmed and hosted by Jazmyne Moreno. The inaugural "Deep End" title is On the Silver Globe, the jaw-droppingly strange and beautiful — and banned — sci-fi epic by Andrzej Żuławski.
Each "Deep End" screening features a live music or DJ preshow. For this installment, DJ Adult Themes will spin an all-vinyl sci-fi-inspired set of '70s-'80s kosmische electronic music.
Austin Film Society will begin a new art-cult screening series, "Deep End," programmed and hosted by Jazmyne Moreno. The inaugural "Deep End" title is On the Silver Globe, the jaw-droppingly strange and beautiful — and banned — sci-fi epic by Andrzej Żuławski.
Each "Deep End" screening features a live music or DJ preshow. For this installment, DJ Adult Themes will spin an all-vinyl sci-fi-inspired set of '70s-'80s kosmische electronic music.