Nuts is an animated documentary journey into the heart of quackery tells the not-so-tall tale of Dr. John Romulus Brinkley, the physician who claimed to cure impotence by fusing goat glands with human testicles. The film was a Sundance Film Festival special jury award winner.
Nuts is an animated documentary journey into the heart of quackery tells the not-so-tall tale of Dr. John Romulus Brinkley, the physician who claimed to cure impotence by fusing goat glands with human testicles. The film was a Sundance Film Festival special jury award winner.
Nuts is an animated documentary journey into the heart of quackery tells the not-so-tall tale of Dr. John Romulus Brinkley, the physician who claimed to cure impotence by fusing goat glands with human testicles. The film was a Sundance Film Festival special jury award winner.
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