The dynamic duo of director Akira Kurosawa and star Toshiro Mifune make their special magic in this exciting story of a samurai-for-hire who hires himself out to two warring factions with the aim of destroying both. A practical blueprint for the modern action film.
The dynamic duo of director Akira Kurosawa and star Toshiro Mifune make their special magic in this exciting story of a samurai-for-hire who hires himself out to two warring factions with the aim of destroying both. A practical blueprint for the modern action film.
The dynamic duo of director Akira Kurosawa and star Toshiro Mifune make their special magic in this exciting story of a samurai-for-hire who hires himself out to two warring factions with the aim of destroying both. A practical blueprint for the modern action film.
AFS Cinema
6406 N. I-35 Frontage Rd.
Suite 3100
Austin, TX 78752
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.