Inspired by actual events that have intrigued and baffled historians for more than 50 years, Copenhagen revolves around a 1941 meeting between two brilliant physicists, Niels Bohr of Denmark and Germany’s Werner Heisenberg. The two men were long-time friends whose work together opened the way to the atomic bomb, but who were now on opposite sides of World War II.
This pivotal meeting was a defining moment of the nuclear age, yet its true nature remains a mystery. Why did Heisenberg go to Copenhagen? What was he hoping to accomplish? Copenhagen is a refreshing reminder of the value of seeking the truth.
Inspired by actual events that have intrigued and baffled historians for more than 50 years, Copenhagen revolves around a 1941 meeting between two brilliant physicists, Niels Bohr of Denmark and Germany’s Werner Heisenberg. The two men were long-time friends whose work together opened the way to the atomic bomb, but who were now on opposite sides of World War II.
This pivotal meeting was a defining moment of the nuclear age, yet its true nature remains a mystery. Why did Heisenberg go to Copenhagen? What was he hoping to accomplish? Copenhagen is a refreshing reminder of the value of seeking the truth.
Inspired by actual events that have intrigued and baffled historians for more than 50 years, Copenhagen revolves around a 1941 meeting between two brilliant physicists, Niels Bohr of Denmark and Germany’s Werner Heisenberg. The two men were long-time friends whose work together opened the way to the atomic bomb, but who were now on opposite sides of World War II.
This pivotal meeting was a defining moment of the nuclear age, yet its true nature remains a mystery. Why did Heisenberg go to Copenhagen? What was he hoping to accomplish? Copenhagen is a refreshing reminder of the value of seeking the truth.